The Only Dehydrated Sweet Potato Chews Dogs Need - Wholesale

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You may say "po-tay-to" and we say "po-tah-to", but what we can all agree on is that these vegan sweet potato chews have certainly earned their bravado. The powerhouse nutrients & antioxidants in these chews are known to help promote healthy skin & coat, gut health, eye function and digestion. While we have all the seals, certifications, and promises as the other guys, what truly makes our Sweet Potato Chews different is this: our proprietary dehydration process preserves the nutritional value, vibrant orange color and organic smell of our chews making our sweet potatoes closer to nature than the other brands with nothing added, nothing removed & as nutrient dense as physically possible.

That’s what makes us better.
That’s what makes us Natural Rapport.

INGREDIENT: Sweet Potato

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